Abstract :
Sidoarjo Regency as one of the cities with increasingly dense populationconditions and the needs of people who want to find information about housing system becomes very necessary,especially in terms of housing location search. Therefore, the author created a web-based geographic housing information system in Sidoarjo Regency by using Breadth First Search to design the interface and system logic, MySQL for database system design and BING API for mapping. The information presented in the form of housing names, addresses, photos of housing, house type images, house plans, availability and prices of each type of house. With this GIS (Geographic Information System) it is expected that the public can more easily and quickly in obtaining housing information in Sidoarjo Regency. The results of this study display the details of the location of housing from the user's location
according to the radius that will be selected and know the estimated distance of travel time to the housing location