Abstract :
Adipura is an award for cities in Indonesia that are successful in cleaning and managing urban environments. Adipura is organized by the State Ministry of Environment. Adipura is actually used as a tool to encourage the motivation of government officials and the public to improve and improve environmental
hygiene conditions in Indonesia. The problem is to determine Adipura winners need 2 weeks to select districts and cities in all regions of Indonesia, in this
study there were 374 cities and regencies collected.
Clustering is a method of grouping based on the size of closeness (similarity). Clustering is different from the group, if the group means the group with the same conditions or not, it is definitely not the group. One method that can be used in clustering is fuzzy c-means. The concept of Fuzzy C-Means first determines the center of the cluster, which will mark the average location of
each cluster and then process the improvement of the cluster center and the degree of membership point to minimization of objective functions that describe
the distance from the given data point to the center of the weighted cluster by the degree of membership of that point.
From the results of the try out the regional clustering system that deserves Adipura with the result that each cluster in each process gets a constantly changing value, so it cannot determine patent labeling. Data greatly
affects the time for processing applications. The more data the more time it will take for the fastest time there is in the Big City category while the application
execution time is the longest, namely in small cities with 273 data.
Keywords : Adipura Award, Regency, City of Indonesia, Clustering, Fuzzy CMeans.