Abstract :
This research is based on the current phenomenon due to the failure to implement the service excellence system provided by customer service at the Pakuwon City Surabaya Environmental Management Agency.
This study used descriptive qualitative method. This study uses the concept of excellent service at Atep Adya Barata (2003) as the focus of research, namely the lack of service excellence provided by customer service to residents. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation.
The results of the study are: 1.)Management of Complains by Customer Service Environmental Management Pakuwon City Surabaya. Has been able to realize the expected goals, namely excellent service carried out in a simple, fast, and appropriate way to open wide access for citizens / customers to obtain good service, although there are still some things that are not as expected in the process. 2.) The attitude of a customer service in the process of providing good service in performing services is still not right on target and there are still some residents / customers who feel that there is still one customer service whose attitude is still not polite, but it can still be in fix it with time. 3.) The process of good service by a customer service in giving attention and sympathy given to the customer has gone according to the expected target, although sometimes there is still a little misunderstanding but the problem can still be resolved properly. 4.) In this action process all can be run according to the targets and targets, although there is still a lack of coordination between customer service and the team in the field or customer service and the field team can resolve all complaints from residents quickly and in accordance with what is expected by the community /customer.