Abstract :
Tourism development is one of the efforts that can increase local revenue. This researcher tried to find out and analyze the condition of tourism, the strategy of tourism development in increasing regional original income carried out by the Pawisata and Culture Office, and which factors supported and hampered the development of tourism in Lamongan Regency. Based on the results of the study it was found that there were three strategies carried out by the Department of Tourism and Culture of Lamongan in the development of tourism in the regions where there were regional revenues, among others, object development, tourism promotion and tourism business development. But in implementing the strategy there are supporting and inhibiting factors that arise both internally and externally.
The research on tourism development strategies through the Lamongan Regency Pawisata and Culture Office aims to describe and analyze the implementation of development strategies through studies on the Kutang coast in the Lamongan Regency Tourism and Culture Office, factors that influence tourism development strategies through studies on the Kutang coast. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. The location of this research is at the Tourism and Culture Office of Lamongan Regency. While the technique used in determining the informant is by purposive sampling technique. While the data collection techniques used include interviews and written documentation.
The results of the study show that the strategy of developing tourism in increasing local income (Study in Kutang Beach in Brondong Village, Lamongan Regency) runs quite well. The tourism development strategy system simplifies the process of strategy and development, in order to realize accurate tourism.
Keywords: Strategy, development, tourism and regional income