Abstract :
Radio is the mass media with the second highest simultaneity after television. Information dissemination via radio can also be said to be faster than television,
because in radio production audiovisual editing is not needed. Even in the dissemination of information, the world of journalism gave birth to new types of journalism, one of which is citizen journalism. The concept of citizen journalism is growing because the audience is facilitated by the internet. Media that broadcasts news from citizen journalism needs an effort to ensure that news from citizen journalism is appropriate for consumption by the public. So from that the title of this research is Radio Suara Surabaya Strategy in Verifying Citizen Journalism news.
The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. The researcher will examine the subject, namely Radio Suara Surabaya and conduct in-depth interviews
with informants namely the Suara Surabaya radio gatekeeper regarding a strategy to verify the feasibility of citizen journalism news.
The results of this study can be concluded that the strategies interpreted by the researchers planning and implementing activities in achieving the objectives, then
planning verification of the feasibility of the news is to maintain the relationship and trust of the community as a public space and verification process that is easy and in accordance with a journalistic perspective. While the implementation of verification of the feasibility of citizen journalism news is the news stage selected based on the standards of news feasibility, the confirmation stage, the stage of the news specification criteria that are worth broadcasting, the execution phase