Abstract :
The social problems in Indonesia are indeed difficult to eliminate as well as when they want to eradicate the disease of the community, namely the homeless beggar and street children. Homeless people can be beggars, and beggars can become homeless. Sprawl and Anjal life by expecting mercy from others by begging or singing. The researcher has 3 problem formulations, namely, 1. How to deal with sprawl and anjal in Sidoarjo by the Office of Social Affairs, 2. What are the inhibiting factors and supporting factors of social service in order to control sprawl and anjal, 3. Strategy of what is done in dealing with and fostering sprawl Sidoarjo by the Social Service. This study aims to find out and analyze the strategies for coping and fostering sprawl and anjal in Sidoarjo district. This type of research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The subject and at the same time the source of information for this research are the heads of Social Services, homeless, beggars, street children. The location in this study is the second largest city in East Java, namely Sidoarjo Regency. The technique used in this study by using interviews and documentaries. The expected results of this study are expected to reduce homelessness, beggars and street children in urban areas. The results achieved are 1. Handling and coaching by social services by controlling and fostering in a social hut environment, 2. An inhibiting factor in controlling, a. human resources, b. lack of government funds, c. coaching place, supporting factors, a. only a few people still care about fostering homeless people, beggars and street children. 3. Strategies that must be carried out by the Sidoarjo regency social service, are 1. change management for social service employees, 2. Strengthening legislation, 3. Strengthening human resource management systems, 4. Coaching programs that must be optimized