Abstract :
This study aims to understand the Production Process of the Ajang Wadul Talk Show Program on East Java TVRI, and to know the inhibiting factors of the Ajang Wadul Talk Show Program Production Process on TVRI East Java, because there are obstacles that reduce the quality of the program. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Research Subjects are Producers and Crew Ajang Wadul as informants to obtain data, using interview techniques and direct observation. The data analysis technique used is Interactive Model qualitative analysis of Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman. The results obtained from this study are that the Production Process of Wadul's Talk Show Program has several stages that are in accordance with the SOP of the program's production process consisting of pre-production, production and post-production. The preproduction stage is divided into 2 stages, namely the stage outside the studio, namely the process of lifting themes and stages in the studio which consists of preparing studio sets, checking lighting, turning on the camera, preparing a video switcher, preparing the character generator, preparing audio and clip-on . The production stage, the live air process and the full role are switcherman, FD, audioman and PD who are in charge of the MCR. The post-production stage, in this stage there is not much done by the production team because the program is on air (live), only a short evaluation is carried out after the live process takes place