Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Novianty Thiodore, Lidiya
H Social Sciences (General)
2023-05-30 11:47:37
Abstract :
This study aims to examine the effect of Good Corporate Governance with
managerial ownership, institutional ownership, foreign ownership, proportion of
independent commissioner, and audit committee on firm value. The population in
this study were all listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample
were companies registered in Kompas100 Index. The samples were determined by
using purposing sampling. Until obtained are as many as 21 companies with 3
period of objective. A total of 63 companies as the sample. The method of
analysis the hypothesis is using multiple regression analysis with SPSS Program.
The result showed that the first hypothesis was accepted stating that the
Managerial has effect on firm value. The second hypothesis was accepted stating
the institutional ownership has effect on firm value. The third hypothesis was
rejected stating that the foreign ownership has no effect on firm value. The fourth
hypothesis was rejected stating that proportion of independent commissioners has
no effect on firm value. And the fifth hypothesis was rejected the stating that the
audit committee has no effect on firm value.
Keywords : Good corporate governance, firm value, managerial ownership, institutional ownership, foreign ownership, proportion of independent commissioner, audit committee.