Abstract :
The aims of the present study are to investigate the levels of financial literacy
among university students in Palembang city where was its investor and to
understand what types of risk profile the students are. The population of this
research is university students who are the investors in Palembang and the
sample size for this research is one hundred student investors. The sampling
location is spread over seven universities which have an invest gallery, and they
are the following universities: Muhammadiyah University, Sriwijaya University,
Politeknik Negri Sriwijaya, STIE, MDP, Katolik Musi Charitas University, Islam
Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang University, and also Taman Siswa University.
This study is a descriptive research for which the acquired data shows the levels
of financial literacy among university students in Palembang city are in the
relatively low category and the type of risk profile of student investor on
(IARFC,2005) calculation is in the balance category and the perception of student
investor in Palembang city is moderately aggressive.
Keyword : financial literacy, risk profile