Abstract :
This study aims to determine the influence of motivation on employee
performance of CV. Rapih Utama Jok Palembang. Research location in CV.
Rapih Utama Jok Palembang. Population and sample used in this study were all
employees at the CV. Rapih Utama Jok Palembang. Benefits of this research, for
the company as a consideration of the provision of employee motivation, for
researchers to be able to implement the science of human resources as well as
add insight, and for others as input for the next researcher and suggestions for
organizations that have similar issues.. Data collection in this study was using
interview and questionnaire method. This type of research is a case
study.Analytical techniques used in the form of quantitative analysis of simple
linear regression analysis using the help of SPSS 20 program.Result of validity
test of variable of motivation and employee performance shows that r count which
is bigger than r table. And the result of variable reliability of motivation and
employee performance have value of Cronbach's Alpha which is above 0,06.The
results showed that the Motivation variable did not significantly affect the
Employee Performance variable at CV. Rapih Utama JokPalembang.
Keywords: Motivation, Employee Performance.