Hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja dengan peran orangtua dalam pencegahan kekerasan seksual pada remaja SMP di Kota Palembang
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Wedyani, Ni Putu Swasti
R Medicine (General) 
2023-07-18 05:15:02 
Abstract :
Background: Sexual violence is coercion that leads to sexuality, the impact can interfere with the growth and development of children or adolescents. So, it is important for adolescents to have knowledge and attitudes in preventing sexual violence and to be supported by the role of parents in supervising, providing knowledge about violence and providing ways to behave towards sexual violence. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of adolescents and the role of parents in preventing sexual violence in junior high school adolescents in Palembang. Methods: This research is included in the quantitative research and descriptive correlation design with a cross sectional approach. Using a total sampling technique with a total sample of 110 respondents. The measuring tool uses a questionnaire on knowledge, attitudes of adolescents and the role of parents. Results: The results of this study showed that most of the respondents had good knowledge of 57 respondents (51.8%), some of the respondents had a good attitude of 79 respondents (71.9%) and most of the respondents had a good parental role of 78 respondents (70 ,9%). The results of the correlation test showed that there was no significant relationship between adolescent knowledge and the role of parents in preventing sexual violence in junior high school youth in Palembang with a very weak positive relationship (? = 0.128; p-value 0.116). There is a significant relationship between adolescent attitudes and the role of parents in preventing sexual violence in junior high school youth in Palembang with a moderate level of relationship (? = 0.444; p-value 0.001) Suggestion: It is expected that educational institutions routinely carry out coaching and provide sexual education so that the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents become better and parents are expected to carry out their roles properly. 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas