Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Yanti, Yohana Arvelia Eka Septa
RT Nursing
2023-09-21 06:21:40
Abstract :
Background: Caring is an action based on compassion, skill, empathy, support, sensitivity and responsibility. Caring in the nursing profession is at the core of concrete actions or actions that are given directly to patients, not just with words. In carrying out nursing care, nurses must apply a caring attitude to patients, to ensure its application, supervision is necessary. Supervision itself aims to strive for comfortable working conditions that include the physical environment and also the working atmosphere between nurses and other employees.
Purpose: This study aims to supervise the implementation of caring practices by nurses in the surgical inpatient room of Siti Fatimah Hospital, Palembang.
Method: The design of this study used the case study method by analyzing cases of inpatients regarding the application of nurse caring and conducting observations as well as clarification and education regarding the application of caring by nurses to patients in providing nursing care.
Results: The results obtained from the supervision of the application of caring by nurses, namely, in providing nursing care, nurses are still lacking in implementing caring, such as paying little attention to complaints submitted by patients or the patient's family, not introducing themselves before giving action, lacking empathy for patients and not providing enough information. regarding the procedure to be performed on the patient. This is an evaluation material for the head of the room to improve the quality of nursing services, especially in that room.
Suggestion: It is expected that nurses will be able to apply caring in providing nursing care services to patients with the aim of improving the quality of nursing services in hospitals.