Penerapan Pemberian Madu Untuk Mengurangi Frekuensi BAB Pada Anak Diare
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Priningsih, Wayan
RT Nursing 
2023-07-12 01:27:46 
Abstract :
Diarrhea is an increase in the frequency of three or more bowel movements, with the consistency of the stool being softer than usual. Non-pharmacological management of diarrhea avoids unclean food and drink, honey-feeding is also an example of diarrhea management. Honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties that can treat diarrhea. Honey also has a lot of content in it, including carbohydrates, protein, minerals, B complex vitamins and vitamin C.Consumption of honey in children aged less than 1 year or 1 year can be at risk of experiencing botulism (infant botulism) and is harmful to their digestive system. Symptoms of botulism such as difficulty swallowing, children experiencing constipation 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas