Abstract :
Background : Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced. Stroke can cause hemiparesis/hemiplegia, namely muscle weakness and movement disorders or paralysis in the upper and lower extremities. One form of physical movement exercise to restore upper extremity muscle strength is to perform a Cylindrical Grip Range Of Motion (ROM).
Purpose: This study aims to determine nursing care and increase muscle strength in post stroke patients with cylindrical grip rom intervention in Sukarami Village.
Methods: The method used in this case study is descriptive with a nursing process approach with the One Group Pretest Posttest design. researchers gave ROM Cylindrical Grip exercises for 3 days in 10 minutes. Prior to the respondent's intervention, muscle strength was measured using the Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) scale, then the Cylindrical Grip ROM physical exercise was carried out within 10 minutes after which muscle strength was measured again.
Result: From the case studies that have carried out range of motion cylindrical grip interventions for 3 days with 10 minutes, there was an increase in upper extremity muscle strength using the Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) scale, namely in respondent 1 from degree 2 muscle strength to degree 3 and respondent 2 from grade 3 to grade 4 muscle strength.
Suggestion: Respondents can do ROM Cylindrial Grip independently and do it routinely at home. Respondents routinely exercise control in health services to increase muscle strength.
Key Words: Muscle Strength, ROM Cylindrical Grip, Stroke.