Abstract :
Background : Yoga is a light exercise that can be done by the elderly to create a relaxing effect so that it can improve sleep quality or improve sleep quality for the better.
Purpose: Provide intervention in the form of adaptation of Yoga Exercise Therapy to overcome sleep disturbances in the elderly.
Method: This case study method is a case study to explore nursing care for elderly clients with sleep pattern disturbances through the intervention of Yoga Exercise Therapy at the Sumarah Palembang Wedha Home.
Results: Nursing evaluation of the results of the implementation which was carried out after 3 times the administration of Yoga Exercise Therapy, namely the first patient experienced a decrease in disturbed sleep patterns before and after the intervention. The results of the post-intervention nursing evaluation, namely the client Mr. H, even though he still wakes up at night for BAK, he can sleep again and is no longer worried. Likewise with Mrs. H was able to sleep according to a predetermined schedule and the pain began to decrease marked by a pain scale of 1-2. Based on the results of the criteria for nursing diagnoses of sleep pattern disturbances, Yoga Exercise Therapy is effective in reducing sleep disturbances in the elderly. In Yoga Exercise Therapy movements, apart from being able to help the process, it helps increase muscle flexibility, excites and affects the nerves. Yoga exercise can also improve blood circulation and flex stiff joints. Besides being able to reduce pain, ergonomic gymnastic movements are also movements that are usually done every day so that they are easy for clients to do.
Suggestion: It is hoped that nursing homes can apply Yoga Exercise Therapy regularly to reduce complaints of sleep pattern disturbances experienced by the elderly, because this therapy is one of the non-pharmacological therapies that can treat sleep disorders in the elderly.