Abstract :
Background: Tuberculosis is a disease that is transmitted when a person with pulmonary disease actively excretes microorganisms. Susceptible individuals inhale the droplets and become infected. Bacteria are transmitted to the alveoli and multiply to produce alveolar exudate and broco pneumonia, granulomas, and fibrous tissue. Effective coughing exercises are a way to train patients who do not have the ability to cough effectively with the aim of clearing the larynx, trachea and bronchioles from secretions or foreign bodies in the airways.
Purpose: Describe the application of effective coughing techniques in cases of airway clearance in tuberculosis patients.
Method: this scientific work uses case studies with data collection carried out through interviews, observation, physical examination and measurements that can be used in case studies.
Results: Effective coughing was carried out 2 x/day for 3 days, the results were obtained before effective coughing practice, both respondents complained of not being able to secrete, feeling tired when coughing a lot, shortness of breath and crackles were heard in both lungs, after being given the intervention, both respondents were able to cough spontaneously. effectively and maximally removing secretions, breathing frequency and patterns improve, fatigue decreases and crackles sound decreases.
Conclusion: There is an effect of applying effective cough techniques in pulmonary TB patients with ineffective airway clearance nursing problems.