Penerapan Slow Deep Breathing Exercise Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Lestari, Puji
RT Nursing 
2023-08-02 06:25:56 
Abstract :
Background : Hypertension is a condition where blood pressure increases abnormally and continuously until several blood pressure measurements are taken or several risk factors do not work well to maintain normal blood pressure. Someone who suffers from long-term hypertension can experience complications such as heart attacks, strokes, chronic heart failure and chronic renal failure. Hypertension can be treated pharmacologically and nonpharmacologically. One of the nonpharmacological therapies that can be applied to people with hypertension is slow deep breathing exercise because it is included in relaxation exercises. Purpose: To analyze the application of non-pharmacological therapy Slow Deep Breathing to reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Method : The nurse's final scientific work uses a case study design. Application of slow deep breathing is done 1 time a day for 5 days with a time of 15 minutes. This application uses 2 respondents who suffer from hypertension. Results: The results of the implementation showed that the first respondent's blood pressure measurement decreased from 150/90 mmHg to 136/76 mmHg and the second respondent also decreased from 140/70 mmHg to 128/60 mmHg. Suggestion: It is expected that respondents can apply this slow deep breathing therapy independently to help lower blood pressure. Keywords: hypertension, slow deep breathing 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas