Abstract :
This study aims to determine and prove the effect of work stress and organizational commitment on generation Z cyberloafing. This research is a quantitative research
with a survey method. The population in this study are generation Z employees who work in Palembang City. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling with a total of 121 respondents. In this study, the analysis techniques used were validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test which consisted of normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis test which consisted of t test and coefficient of determination R2. The results showed that the variable of work stress had a positive
and significant effect on cyberloafing for generation Z employees in Palembang City, the organizational commitment variable had a negative and significant effect on cyberloafing for Generation Z employees in Palembang City.
Keywords: Job Stress, Organizational Commitment, Cyberloafing, Generation Z