Asuhan Keperawatan Pasien Stroke Dengan Skrining Stroke Dan Head Up 30° di Instalasi Gawat Darurat
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Paulina, Astia
RT Nursing 
2023-08-24 06:44:56 
Abstract :
Background: Stroke is the main cause of death worldwide which is influenced by various factors. This study aims to apply screening and head elevation in the nursing care of stroke patients in the emergency room in 2023. Method: the method used is a descriptive case study approach to stroke patients in the emergency room. This study used emergency department assessment and Siriraj screening scores and the Gajah Mada algorithm. There were 2 stroke patients with hemodynamic measurements before and after being given a 30° head up every 30 minutes for 2 hours. Results: Based on the study, it was found that the results of the siriraj stroke score and the Gajah Mada algorithm in both patients were stroke infarction. After administration of 30° head up showed changes in hemodynamics. In the first patient, after intervention , hemodynamics were obtained blood pressure pressure 145/60 mm Hg, pulse pressure 85 mm Hg, Pulse 79 times per minute, Temperature 36,4 °C, MAP 88 mmHg, RR 20 times per minute, SPO? 100%. In the second patient, hemodynamics were obtained after blood pressure was 154/70 mmHg, pulse pressure was 84 mmHg, Pulse 89 times per minute, Temperature 36,49°C, MAP 98 mmHg, RR 20 times per minute, SPO? 100%. Suggestion: stroke screening is expected as an initial identification before examining a CT - Scan or if there are problems with a CT- Scan and used as a protocol and SOP in the ward for assessment of stroke patients and head up 30° 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas