Analisis Asuhan Keperawatan Dengan Pemberian Terapi Slow Stroke Back Massage Terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah Pada Pasien Stroke Di Ruang Intensive Care
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Arini, Tiara Puspa
RT Nursing 
2023-08-25 07:30:24 
Abstract :
Background : Stroke is a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system due to interference of blood circulation in the brain caused by ruptured of blood vessels or clogged of blood vessels in the brain. Stroke is marked by high blood pressure. One of the evidencebased nursing treatments that can be used to lower blood pressure is by giving slow stroke back massage therapy. Purpose : To determine the changes in blood pressure in stroke patients with high blood pressure before and after giving of the slow stroke back massage therapy. Methods : This study used a descriptive case study in stroke patients with high blood pressure with 2 patients in the ICU by measuring vital signs before and after giving of the slow stroke back massage therapy for 3-10 minutes which is done once per day for 3 days with light, slow, and rhythmic movements. Therapy is given to patients under the influence of antihypertensive drugs. Results : After giving slow stroke back massage therapy, it shows a changed in blood pressure. Before giving the theraphy, at first patient blood preassure was 152/115 mmHg and at second patient blopd preassure was 150/80 mmHg. After giving the therapy, at first patient show the decrease of systolic blood preassure 127 mmHg and diastolic blood preassure 97 mmHg, while at the second patient show the deacrease of blood preasure 127 mmHg and diastolic blood preassure 87 mmHg. Advice : This therapy is expected to be applied to decrease blood pressure or to stabilize blood preassure as an alternative therapy for stroke patients in the intensive care unit. 
Institution Info

Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas