Perbedaan Hasil Pemeriksaan Glukosa Sewaktu Menggunakan Alat Kimia Analyzer Semiotomatis dengan Alat POCT (Point of Care Testing)
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Romahyuni, Maria Ristanita
RZ Other systems of medicine 
2023-11-24 04:45:38 
Abstract :
Background: Current blood sugar examination is one of the clinical chemical tests used to monitor glucose levels in the blood, especially in patients with diabetes mellitus. Blood glucose examination can use POCT and Chemical Analyzer tools in Laboratory Installations. Inspection using the POCT tool has the advantages of being easy, automatic and practical. The difference in the use of tools in checking glucose levels is likely to cause differences in examination results. Objective: This study aims to determine whether there is a difference in glucose test results when using a semiautomatic chemical analyzer with a POCT tool Method: This research method is observational analytic with Accidental Sampling approach. The subjects of this study were inpatients and outpatients who performed glucose tests and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The number of samples of this study was 118 samples. The test results were analyzed with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with 95% confidence and an error rate of 5% (0.05). Results: The results of the study from 118 samples found that the average value of blood glucose glucose levels when using a semiautomatic chemical analyzer was 163 mg / dL and the average glucose levels when using the POCT tool was 166 mg / dL. The average result of checking blood glucose levels when using a POCT device is higher than the results of testing using a semiautomatic kimi analyzer. Conclusion: The test results obtained a significant difference in glucose test results when using a semiautomatic chemical analyzer and POCT equipment Keywords: Timed Blood Glucose, Semiautomatic Chemical Analyzer, Point Of Care Tesing 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas