Gambaran Risiko Dekubitus Pada Pasien yang dirawat di ruang Intensive Care Unit
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Yuesti, Nanda
R Medicine (General) 
2024-03-01 01:54:57 
Abstract :
Background: Pressure ulcers are often found in patients treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Patients treated in the ICU are vulnerable to helplessness, weakness, and dependence on assistive devices which tend to make patients have limited movement. The risk of decubitus can be assessed using an assessment scale, one of which is the Braden scale, there are 6 (six) subscales to determine the level of risk of decubitus. Objective: To determine the risk of decubitus in intensive care unit patients at the Siti Fatimah Regional General Hospital, South Sumatra. Methods: This type of research is a type of quantitative research. Descriptive design with an analytical survey approach. Respondents in this study were patients treated in the ICU at the South Sumatra Regional General Hospital. Samples were taken using an accidental sampling technique with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Frequency distribution of patient characteristics based on age with the highest age percentage being pre-elderly patients in the range 45-59 years as many as 14 patients (42.4%) and elderly > 60 years as many as 11 patients (33.3%). The frequency distribution of the patient's level of consciousness was that the majority of patients were in the compos mentis level of full consciousness, 15 patients (45.5%). The frequency distribution of the risk of decubitus was that the majority of patients had a high risk of decubitus as many as 11 patients (33.3%) while those who had a very high risk were 6 patients (18.2%). Suggestion: Nurses and hospital institutions are able to maximize the prevention of pressure ulcers in patients. So that the number of pressure ulcers can be anticipated according to the existing SOP. 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas