Sikap Terhadap Uang Berdasarkan Faktor Demografi pada Mahasiswa Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas Fakultas Bisnis dan Akuntansi Palembang
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Magdalena, Theresia
H Social Sciences (General) 
2018-07-30 02:19:40 
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to know differences in attitudes toward money based on demographic factors in terms of gender, age, employment status, and the range of allowance or salary at the student University Catholic Musi Charitas Faculty of Business and Accountancy Palembang. The population is student University Catholic Musi Charitas Faculty of Business and Accountancy Palembang, with a total sample of 155 students. The data analysis is ANOVA and independent sample t test to know differences in attitudes toward money based on demographic factors at the students University Catholic Musi Charitas Faculty of Business and Accountancy Palembang. The results showed that there are differences in attitudes toward money based on gender and employment status in student University Catholic Musi Charitas Faculty of Business and Accountancy Palembang and there are no differences in attitudes toward money based on age and range of an allowance or salary in student University Catholic Musi Charitas Faculty of Business and Accountancy Palembang. 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas