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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Hartanu, Prillita Gunawan
NA Architecture 
2022-09-29 07:41:43 
Abstract :
Music is one of the most popular art forms among the people. Everyone can enjoy music from small children to seniors. It can also be seen that many people in Palembang have good musical talent, this can be seen from several cafes that have live music. This talent can be obtained through music courses or self-taught. The Music Education Center is a place to accommodate the people of Palembang City in training their musical talents both in terms of vocals and musical instruments from various genres. The Music Education Center is equipped with course rooms, conservatory rooms, libraries, music shops, and cafes. The theme applied to the design of this Music Education Center is "Balance in Rhythm". This theme is embodied in the building through the analogy concept of the one-eighth musical note form. This eighth note also has a shape that matches the theme of "Balance in Rhythm", because its shape is similar to rhythm and has an asymmetrical balance. The Music Education Center will be planned in a contemporary architectural style. Keywords: Music, Music Education Centre, Balance in Rhythm 
Institution Info

Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas