Penerapan restful api Web service dalam aplikasi penjualan sayur hidroponik studi kasus UMKM Eve Veggies Hydroponic
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Sihotang, Gabriel Mediose Alfranda
T Technology (General) 
2022-10-13 02:13:48 
Abstract :
The use of technology and its development at this time is a common thing that has become part of human activity, even the sophistication of technology that has developed is very helpful to simplify all the affairs they do. In terms of the use of technology, it can be applied in all work, including in the UMKM Eve Veggies Hydroponic. At first, these UMKM did not have an application system because they were still selling manually. Then the covid-19 pandemic that allows buyers and sales to make consumers will rely on online media to avoid or reduce direct contact or physical contact with sellers. For this reason, one technology will be applied, namely Web Service with the Restful method on sales applications and can be integrated with one database. Rest that will be formed in programming will make it easier for clients to consume without any program functions. Making this sales application using the waterfall model as a research method, made with the help of the Visual Studio Code Editor application, the database uses MySQL. The Client-Server application with the application of the Web Service, namely rest, is built using the PHP programming language. The Web Service that was built aims to provide services such as information on vegetable stock, storing vegetable data, ordering vegetables and storing vegetable order proofs, deleting and canceling orders. Client applications can access data stored on the Server in order to interact through a set of operations that have been provided by the Web Service. The sales application is expected to be a solution that can be useful in the future in helping especially UMKM Eve Veggies Hydroponic in the process of selling their products, namely hydroponic vegetables as well. 
Institution Info

Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas