Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Dalam Tatanan Rumah Tangga di Komplek Griya Purnawira Asri Palembang.
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Sari, Meylia
R Medicine (General) 
2022-09-06 05:17:48 
Abstract :
Clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is all personal health behavior so that families are able to help themselves in the health sector and have an active role in community activities. PHBS in household arrangement is one of the efforts to empower members of a household to know, be willing and able to carry out clean and healthy life behaviors and have an active role in movements at the community level. The implementation of PHBS in the community is still low due to the lack of socialization related to the benefits and risks of not implementing PHBS in daily life. Due to the low socialization of PHBS, the community's willingness to implement it is also low which results in disrupted public health to determine the level of public knowledge of clean and healthy living behavior in household settings. The type of research used in this study is quantitative with a descriptive design with a population of 163 respondents with a total sampling technique of sampling, samples taken as many as 31 respondents with univariate analysis techniques. The results of the study showed that the majority of respondents aged adults were mostly obtained with a total of 16 respondents (51.6%), and female sex as many as 18 (58.1%), for education it was found more in high school education 15 respondents (48.4 %), and for the work of the majority of respondents, it was found in housewives as many as 12 respondents (38.7%) and in the knowledge of the majority of respondents, it was found in good knowledge as many as 18 responde nts (58.1%). For the community, they are always obedient in carrying out clean and healthy living behavior in the household environment. Society, Knowledge, Clean and Healthy Lifestyle, Household Order. 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas