Perbedaan Status Vaksin Covid-19 dan Protokol Kesehatan pada Mahasiswa Ners yang Positif dan Negatif selama Praktik Klinik
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Sinambela, Elsa Yuni Audria
RT Nursing 
2022-09-07 08:07:07 
Abstract :
Background: Covid-19 is an infectious disease that can be caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The death rate due to Covid-19 is increasing so that it has a direct impact on all people in the world, so the implementation of health protocols and Covid-19 vaccinations. Vaccination aims to create herd immunity in the community in carrying out productive daily activities, the health protocol is a form of effort by health workers to avoid the transmission of Covid-19. Of the 52 nursing students, 15 were positive and 37 were negative for Covid-19. Objective : To analyze the differences in the status of the Covid-19 vaccine and health protocols on positive and negative Nurses students during the clinic. Methods: This study uses a comparative research method to see differences in the status of the Covid-19 vaccine and health protocols on positive and negative Nurse students during clinical practice with the research design used is retrospective to see the history behind and the sampling technique used is Random Sampling and Mann-Whitney test on 30 respondents. Results: The median age of respondents who were positive was 23.00 and negative was 23.00; the highest gender in positive respondents was female (43.3%) and negative (36.7%); the highest vaccine status in positive respondents were vaccine dose 2 (86.7%) and negative (93.3%); The highest positive and negative outcomes for respondents are in the Enough category (73.3%). The results of the comparative analysis showed that there was no difference in vaccine status in positive and negative students with p value = 0.550 and there was no difference in health protocols in positive and negative students with p value = 1,000. Suggestion: In order to maintain and improve health protocols both outside and in clinical practice, despite having vaccinated doses 1&2 to booster vaccines. Key words: Covid-19, Health Protocol 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas