Perancangan Alat Pencetak Adonan Roti Dengan Metode Teknologi Tepat Guna(Studi Kasus Pabrik Roti Ferri Bakery)
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Syahputra, Agung
TT Handicrafts Arts and crafts 
2018-03-03 09:53:55 
Abstract :
Ferri Factory Bakery is one of the factories engaged in the manufacture of bread bakery brand Ferri. The printing process dough at the factory still using the right hand and left on the table that causes the production of a large workers' workload. The average time required for 36 pieces of bread dough that is 132.8 seconds. Results molding bread dough by hand becomes non-uniform. Due to the reasons, so that the necessary tools so that the printer dough bread dough uniform and rounded to reduce the workload of workers dough molding section is also to increase the production output rounded bread dough. These display devices bread dough dirancangan by methods appropriate technology (TTG). From the results of the design method TTG this, the technical aspects obtained dimensional tool pencentak dough to consider ways of printing the dough by hand, while the display devices bread dough is rotating is pedestal printer under the measuring 50cmx50cm using a plate made of steel so it is more hygienic, the frame-sized display devices 100cmx70cm bread dough made from angle iron to the level of medium thickness. Ergonomic aspects handle portion sized players 11,2cm using 0.5 inch hollow steel materials. In the economic aspect of making the tool calculate the cost of Rp. 1,117,000.00, Break even point in 68 units or Rp. 679 717 and payback periods in one day. On the environmental aspect, the printing process bread dough does not produce any waste because in this process there is no residual dough is wasted or fall. In the aspect of energy, calories spent using both hands is 150.4 Kcal / h and after use of calories spent is 117.4 kcal / hour. Decrease calories are released workers amounted to 21.94%. On the socio-cultural aspects, workers are very easy to use this tool and do not need any special skills due simply rotate the handle and lift the lever until the bread dough into a round. The result of the calculation of standard time on the conditions before the design of 0.055 hours / 36buah and standard output of 654 pieces / hour. Meanwhile, after the design of 0.042 hours / 36buah and standard output 857 pieces with a decrease in the standard time 0013 hours / 36buah and improvement of the standard output 203 pieces / hour. The increase in production output by 31.03%. 
Institution Info

Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas