perbedaan kadar ureum pada serum yang segera diperiksa setelah sentrifugasi dan ditunda 3 jam pada suhu ruang
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Febriyanti, Anastasya Fera
RZ Other systems of medicine 
2022-09-13 08:18:34 
Abstract :
Background: one of the clinical chemistry tests is the level of urea. One of the factors that influence the examination of urea levels is a delay. Delaying the examination of urea levels that are not in accordance with the procedure can interfere with the composition, structure, and enzymes contained in the serum. Objective: to determine the difference in serum urea levels which were immediately examined after centrifugation and delayed for 3 hours at room temperature. Methods: This type of research is analytic observational with a static group comparison design. The research subjects used were 31 medical laboratory technology students. The research subjects were collected and collected blood in 1 clot activator tube, the collected blood was centrifuged, then the serum obtained was examined by treating serum samples which were immediately examined and delayed for 3 hours at room temperature. Result: The results showed that the mean serum urea level which was immediately examined was 20.99 mg/dl and in serum that was delayed for 3 hours, it was 17.55 mg/dl. These data were analyzed and showed no difference in serum urea levels which were examined immediately after centrifugation and delayed for 3 hours at room temperature. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, there was a difference in serum urea levels which were immediately examined after centrifugation and delayed for 3 hours at room temperature. Suggestion: urea levels can be checked by checking immediately. For storage, the temperature can be done at room temperature. 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas