Perbedaan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Ibu Hamil Yang Diperiksa Segera Dan Ditunda Pada Suhu Kamar Menggunakan Poct Dan Hematology Analyzer
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
arta, lida frastica
RZ Other systems of medicine 
2022-09-15 06:39:46 
Abstract :
Examination of hemoglobin levels of pregnant women in the laboratory of the Basuki Rahmat Health Center Palembang using a Hematology Analyzer, namely Sysmex XP-100 and POCT (Point Of Care Testing), namely Quik Check Hb. The examination was carried out using two different tools because hemoglobin examination at the puskesmas was not only carried out in the laboratory but also outside the laboratory. Hemoglobin examination is also often delayed due to limited facilities and the number of laboratory personnel. Objective: To find out the difference in hemoglobin levels in pregnant women who are checked immediately and delayed at room temperature using a Poct and Hematology Analyzer. Methods: This research is an experimental research with a research design that is Static Group Comparison Design. The sample used was 32 pregnant women patients. Venous blood was collected with EDTA anticoagulant and then examined using Sysmex XP-100 and Quik Check Hb. The data that has been obtained were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test with a 95% confidence level. Results: Hemoglobin in pregnant women with the POCT and Hematology Analyzer which were examined immediately obtained median values of 10.3 g/dl and 10.8 g/dl, while the POCT and Hematology Analyzer which were delayed obtained median values of 10.5 g/dl and 11, respectively. 1 g/dl. The results of the Kruskal Wallis test obtained a probability value of 0.00 < 0.05 Conclusion: There was a significant differences in hemoglobin levels in pregnant women who were examined immediately and delayed at room temperature using POCT and a hematology analyzer. Suggestions: Examination Hemoglobin examination using POCT can only be used as a screening, cannot be used as a diagnostic in patients. The delay in inspection should take into account the stability of the sample and the storage temperature 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas