Perancangan Alat Untir Kue Linting Pada Industri Kue Linting Garuda Bapak Ali
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Tessa, Virginia
TT Handicrafts Arts and crafts 
2018-03-03 10:11:16 
Abstract :
Industry of Garuda linting cake Mr. Ali?s in the Sukawinatan area has been running production for 20 years. Every days Mr. Ali worker do their job in a simple manner. Wooden table that is used every day to do screw cookie dough, causing the table over time (already 20 years) into a solid black on its surface. According to the business owner, the table is still a very viable to be used as a work table because the table is sturdy and strong. Only part surface are blackened. The owner also does not attempt to add any pads on the table as if placed mats on the surface of the table, the workers can not do the screw well. Therefore, the researcher will to design a tool to make the process screw cookie dough so that the process was not performed again over the work surface that has been blackened. Screw linting cake tool is also made to reduce the workload of workers and increase productivity. Screw tool linting cake designed using Merris Asimow methods. Screw tool linting cake is a modification of a tool grinder fish already on the market. Modifications were done on the mold. Dimensions tool screw linting cake is 34,5cm x 30 cm x 38 cm. Diameter lid of linting cake screw 8.5 cm diameter spherical aluminum plate on the cover screw tool linting cake that is 7.5 cm, the diameter of the cone big hole screw tool linting cake that is 2 cm, the diameter of the tip of the cone small hole screw tool linting cake ie 7 mm. Costs required to make this tool Rp 389,000.00. Break Even Point in Rupiah at Rp 15.909.523,81 and Break Even Point in a unit that is 0.45 ball. The payback period of investment payback period screw tool linting cake obtained for 1 day. Thus, investment in equipment screw linting cake is better to be implemented economically. 
Institution Info

Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas