Differences in Glucose Levels in EDTA Blood, Cloth Activator and Capillary Blood Using a Glucometer
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Lamtana, .
RZ Other systems of medicine 
2022-11-07 02:35:35 
Abstract :
monitoring (follow-up). The material for checking blood glucose levels in this study was EDTA blood, Cloth Activator. In the examination of glucose using a glucometer the sample used is capillary but because there is a request for Cyto whose examination is accompanied by complete blood (Hematology, Blood Chemistry). Objective: To know the level of glucose in the blood of EDTA, Cloth Activator and Capillary blood using a glucometer. Methods: This study is a quantitative study with an analytical observational research design, namely a cross-sectional approach. The subjects of this study were 40 patients who did glucose checks at the Siti Khadijah Hospital Hospital in Palembang. Venous blood is accommodated in the EDTA tube and atube by dipping glucose sticks in EDTA and Cloth Activator blood while Capillary blood, when taking capillary blood is directly checked using a glucometer. Results: The average glucose level using blood samples in the EDTA tube was 97 mg/dl. The average glucose level using blood samples in the Cloth Activator tube is 10 mg/dl, for capillary blood samples the average glucose yield is 105 mg/dl. Conclusion: Comparison of the use of blood samples for glucose examination in blood samples of EDTA and Cloth Activator there is no significant difference p=0.133 (p>0.05), the comparison of EDTA and Capillaries has a significant difference p=0.003 (p<0.05) , In the Cloth Activator and EDTA test variables there was no significant difference P = 0.133 (p> 0.05), Cloth Activator and Capillary did not show a significant difference P = 0.327 (P> 0.05), Test variables on capillary blood and There was a significant difference in EDTA p= 0.03 (p<0.05), capillary blood samples and Cloth Activator had no significant difference p=0.327 (p>0.05). Suggestion: Blood samples in Cloth Activator tubes and capillaries can be used as blood samples for glucose examination using a glucometer. For glucose examination using a glucometer on EDTA blood samples is not recommended because in the EDTA tube there is an anticoagulant that can reduce glucose levels. 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas