Abstract :
The aims of the present study is to find out wheter consumer motivation affect consumer purchasing decision in the path of LRT Palembang city. The population of this research are consumen who have been shopping at the shop on the path of LRT Palembang City. The sampling location is one hundred respondents. The sampling locations start from Zone 1(Bandara International Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II ? Simpang Bandara ? Simpang Tanjung Api-api), Zone 2 ( Jalan Tanjung Api-Api - Jalan Kol.H.Burlian - Jalan Demang Lebar Daun - Simpang Polda), Zone 3 (Simpang Angkatan 45 - Jalan Angkatan 45 - Simpang Palembang Icon - Jalan Kapten A. Rivai - Simpang Charitas - Jalan Jenderal Sudirman), Zone 4 (Jembatan Ampera - Jalan Gubernur H. A. Bastari dan Zona D), dan Zone 5 (Jakabaring Sport City). This research use Validity Test, Reliability Test, Simple Regression Test, Normality Test, Heteroskedasticity Test, t Test, and coffecien of determination Test. The results showed that consumer motivation affects consumer purchasing decision in the path of LRT Palembang City.
Keyword : consumer motivation, consumer purchasing decision