Abstract :
Background : Hemoglobin is a component of red blood cells in the form of a conjugated protein that functions to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Examination of hemoglobin levels can be divided into several types, namely sahli, talquist, cupersulfate, cyanmethemoglobine, oxy Hb, photometry with hematology analyzer (sulfoxyhemoglobin) and also POCT (Point Of Care Testing). Examination of hemoglobin levels using POCT (Point Of Care Testing) and Hematology analyzer with capillary blood samples and EDTA venous blood.
Objective: Known Hemoglobin Levels Using POCT Equipment and Hematology Analyzer at Sungai Lilin Health Center Health Workers
Methods: This study uses the Analytical Observational method. Observational Analytical is a research that tries to explore how and why health phenomena occur by using a cross sectional approach, namely by collecting data at once. Samples were examined using POCT and Hematology Analyzer. The research subjects used in this study were health workers at the Sungai Candle Health Center. Hemoglobin levels were checked using two POCT tools and a Hematology Analyzer using capillary blood and venous blood. The results of hemoglobin examination were analyzed by independent test sample T Test unpaired with 95% confidence level.
Results: The average result of calculating hemoglobin levels using POCT of capillary blood was 13.86 g/dl which was checked using a hematology analyzer EDTA venous blood 13.68 g/dl
Conclusion: there is no difference in the results of the examination of Hb levels using venous blood and capillary blood samples with a value (sig > 0.05)
Suggestion: Examination of hemoglobin in health workers at Sungai Wax Health Center using POCT must still be confirmed using the cyanmethemoglobin method, namely using a hematology analyzer and in future studies using different types of sampling, for example using different samples, tools and sample populations.
Keywords: hemoglobin level POCT,Hematology Analyzer