Abstract :
Communication technology is an important thing to follow because it can make it
easier for someone to do activities, one of which is M-Payment. The purpose of
this study was to analyze the effect of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived
behavioural control (PBC) on behavioral intention in m-payment users in
Palembang. The type of research used is a survey involving 100 respondents who
using M-Payment. The sampling technique in this study used is purposive
sampling technique. Samples are collected by distributing questionnaires. The
analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results obtained were
partially and significantly variable attitude, subjective norm, and perceived
behavioural control (PBC) had an effect on behavioral intention in m-payment
users in Palembang. The F test also found that simultaneously the attitude,
subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control (PBC) variables influence
behavioral intention in m-payment users in Palembang.
Keyword: Attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and
behavioral intention