Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the difference of Valuation Stock Price of Banks which listed on LQ-45 index using Dividend Discounted Model Method and Price Earning Ratio from 2012-2017. The population in this study is all Banks company which listed on BEI from 2012-2017. The sample used is Banks company that listed on LQ-45 index from 2012-2017 and never excluded in that period, which the researcher got 4 different companies and using judgement sampling technique by using purposive sampling which is sampling technique of data source with certain consideration for the purpose of the research. Testing the hypothesis will using 2 method which are DDM and PER. This research will help investor for understanding more and getting a better perspective of the valuation stocks price itself.
Keywords: Index LQ-45, Dividend Discounted Model (DDM), Price Earning Ratio (PER), Valuation of the stocks price.