Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of compensation variables on
job satisfaction on employees at PT. Palembang Sunan Rubber. The type of
research used in this study is a case study. The population in this study were all
employees of PT Sunan Rubber. The sampling technique used was purposive
sampling. Data collection techniques used were interviews and questionnaires.
The test results in this study indicate that the composition consisting of financial
and non-financial compensation is known to have an influence on employee job
satisfaction at PT. Palembang Sunan Rubber. The F test results show that the
financial and non financial compensation variables together have a significant
effect on job satisfaction. The results of the T test show that the financial and
nonfinancial compensation variables partially have a significant effect on the job
satisfaction of PT. Palembang Sunan Rubber.
Keyword: Knowledge management, people, process, technology and employee performance