Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of emotional intelligence,
intellectual intelligence, and spiritual intelligence on the performance of nurses at
Myria Hospital in Palembang. The population in this study were all nurses of the
Myria Palembang Hospital. The sample is determined by the purposive sampling
method. The sample in this study was 50 respondents. Research data collection in
the form of questionnaire.Testing data using questionnaire testing, classical
assumptions, multiple liner analysis, model feasibility testing, and hypothesis
testing. The results obtained show that simultaneously there is an influence
between emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, spiritual intelligence on
the performance of nurses in the Myria Palembang Hospital. Partially there is an
influence between emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligencethe performance
of nurses at Myria Palembang Hospital. Partially there not is an influence
between spiritual intelligence. The benefits of this study are to provide
information to the Hospital so that it can improve the performance of nurses at
the Hospital.
Keywords:emotional intelligence, Intellectual intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and nurse performance.