Abstract :
Human resources is one of the important resources in carrying out company
activities. Therefore, it is important for companies to develop human resources by
providing competence and motivation to their employees to improve the
performance of their employees. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect
of competence and motivation on employee performance CV. Union Motor
Palembang. In this study involving a sample of 79 respondents. Data collection
techniques carried out by interview and questionnaire. The analysis technique
used in this study is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are
based on the results of the t test analysis found that partially the competence and
motivation variables have a positive and significant impact on employee
performance on the CV. Union Motor Palembang. In the results of the F test
analysis it was found that simultaneously competency and motivation variables
had a positive and significant effect on employee performance in the CV CV.
Union Motor Palembang. In the determination coefficient test results found that
50.5% of the variable competence and motivated able to explain employee
performance variables on the CV. Motor Union Palembang.
Keyword: Competence, motivation, job performance