Abstract :
Sport has an important role in human life because sport is supported by the body
to stay healthy. One manager of the fitness center that manages this business
opportunity is OsBond Gym. The purpose of this study is to analyze the
relationship of marketing to consumer Osbond Gym Palembang. In this study
used a sample of 100 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The
sample in this study were permanent members of OsBond Hym Palembang. The
technique of collecting data used was a questionnaire using a Likert scale. The
analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study
indicate that there are also partially simultaneous variables of trust, commitment,
communication, and handling of ownership problems that are significant to
consumer loyalty at Osbond Gym Palembang. In the test, it was found that
adjusted r square was 0.418, which means that 41.8% of the variables of trust,
commitment, communication and problem solving were able to explain the
variable of customer loyalty at Osbond Gym Palembang when receiving 58.2% of
the variable commitment, commitment, communication and problem support
variable replacement.
Keyword: relationship marketing and customer loyalty