Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Firdianto, Stadis Laus Ade
HF Commerce
2018-03-07 19:41:48
Abstract :
Coffee is a beverage that is familiar in the community, almost all of the people like to drink coffee, because it is considered the coffee can help recovery energyand prevent drowsiness. There are a wide variety of coffe blends that such Excelso, not branded coffe shops, and many more. One raw material that can be used for coffe concoction that swallow nest, people know swallow nest has benefits for tubut. Swallow nest coffe is a new innovative product made of swallow nest. Currently coffe product swallow nest only in Java and it?s the only shop in Indonesia. However, the exixtence of coffe swallow nest in South Sumatra yet. Therefore the chances of effort coffe shop swallow nest in Palembang, because of the lack of competitors as well as the opportunities for business development.
Before starting a business, good feasibility analysis beforehand. The goal is to ensure that the business will be run worthy of the various types of aspects. Based on the results of the feasibility analysis of the financial aspects known payback period swallow nest coffe business for 9.49 months. And the value of the net present value over a period of year obtained Rp. 7.893.978.
Profitability index values obtained in the coffe business swallow nest of 1,26 with tinggat IRR 42,11% interest rate. In terms of non-financial aspects of it can be seen that the coffe product swallow nest to get a positive response from the local community. Therefore we can conclude swallow nest coffe business viable.