Abstract :
The development of tourism, especially in the culinary world in Indonesia, is able to attract the attention of foreign tourists to come visit and taste the specialties of each region. The culinary world is developing very quickly, especially in the economic sector, thus increasing public interest in opening businesses in the culinary field. To support this very fast development, it requires experts who have the ability to cook and have good creativity (chef professional). So needs a new educational institution (high school) that specifically studies the culinary field. The design of this Culinary High School uses the theme of infinity new/freedom to innovate and the concept of cutlery with a contemporary architectural approach to buildings and designs a spatial program according to the applicable curriculum by adding supporting facilities for hands-on practice, having adequate theory classrooms and green areas that can be used as recreation area as well as a sports area for its users. The use of this contemporary architectural approach gives the designer freedom in designing (not being tied to the old style) or following the styles that are trendy in society (according to the times).
keywords: highischool,iculinary, chef and contemporary architecture