Abstract :
The Control of the stock is one of problems that always be faced by the company, when it proper expect to get the stock with the cheap price at the place and time. If the company happen to have last order and overload of stock, it will decrease the income of it. As well as experienced Stokis 339 is one of the companies that works on healthy supplement in Palembang. In deciding what kind of supplement will be explained by the writer, the writer used ABC classification method. As the result, the writer got Zinc, Jiang Zhi Tea, Herbal Toothpaste and Nutrient Calsium Powders in the A classification. The owners of Stokis 339 uses intuitif method which make Stokis 339 always have difficulties in fulfillinf the demand of the customers. More over to know the demand of the stock in the next year. The writer do calculating by using WINQSB program based on the data pattern from January 2013 to march 2015. On the other hand, because of the used of intuitif method, Stokis 339 has a very big expenses. That?s why it needs a method to control the stock in order to fulfill the demand of the customer and decrease the operational expenses in Stokis 339. Furthermore the profer method used to control the problem of stock in stokis 339 is EOQ Multi Item method, which decrease the total expense to Rp 8.848.527,38. By applying EOQ Multi Item method, Stokis 339 can save Rp 632.589,56/year or 6,67%.