Abstract :
This research was motivated by some phenomenon according to the reduction of MSMEs sales in indonesia caused by the Covid19 pandemic. This reduction in sales was confronted by the use of digital technology known as the Fintech Payment Gateway, which was a strategy for MSMEs users to revive their own business. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the Fintech Payment Gateway on the Financial Performance of MSMEs Culinary in Palembang City. The data that used in this study is a primary data that include an Culinary MSMEs in Palembang City. The sampling technique that used for this study is purposive sampling technique and obtained 96 respondents. Hypothesis testing already done by simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the Fintech Payment Gateway has an effect on the financial performance of culinary MSMEs in Palembang city.
Keywords: Fintech Payment Gateway, Financial Performance, Culinary MSME