Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Wijaya, Christiandinata Kesuma
Q Science (General)
2018-03-13 10:45:32
Abstract :
There are always some procedure on executing a job. A good job is a job that achieve its goal and that?s why the work procedure is needed. Rumah Retret Giri Nugraha (RRGN) Palembang serves and facilitates activities like spiritual guidance and self processing. To do the task, the work procedure is needed so the facilities will be ready and really fit to be used. The goal is users of RRGN?s facilities feel comfortable and the activity can go well.
Until this time, RRGN does not have SOP (Standard Operation Procedure). Without this, the preparation facility such as hall, refter, villa, and chapel is not maximum and it makes the users are not satisfied. Because of that, SOP is designed to make the preparation better and the customer?s satisfaction will be raised. The satisfaction of the customer or user is measured by some question. It will show the responses from customer before and after the SOP is implemented. The responses show that the satisfaction increases from 8,3 to 12,6 for equipment; 8,6 to 12,3 for material; 8,8 to 12,7 for humans; and from 8,8 to 12,4 for environment and it will be better if there is evaluation like this every year so the SOP is up to date and relevant.