Abstract :
This research will discuss the OVO application as a digital wallet that is used to make payments that provide convenience in non-cash transactions and opens access to other digital financial products and services that are presented in collaboration with selected partners. The object to be discussed is OVO to analyze the acceptance of the OVO application as a digital wallet in the city of Palembang.This study used a combined method of UTAUT and TTF using the variables Task Characteristics, Technology Characteristics, Task Technology Fit, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence,Facilitating Conditions, and User Adoption. data analysis namely multiple regression analysis. Research proves that in the OVO application the Task Characteristics and Technology Characteristics variables have a significant influence on Task Technology Fit, the Task Technology Fit Variable has a significant influence on Performance Expectancy and User
Adoption, the Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Faciliating Conditions variables have an influence significant effect on User Adoption, Performance Expectancy Variable has a significant effect on Effort Expectancy and Technology Characteristics Variable has a significant effect on Effort Expectancy.
Keywords : Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT), Task Technology Fit (TTF), OVO