Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the hedonism variable (Z)
as a mediating variable between celebrity worship (X) on purcharse intention (Y)
kpop albums among kpop fans. This research uses a quantitative approach. The
population in this study are all kpop fans in Indonesia. The sample in this study
were 100 respondents using the non-probability sampling method. The data
collection technique used was a survey technique assisted by a questionnaire
instrument with a Likert scale. The type of data used in this research is primary
data. The data analysis technique uses the instrument feasibility test and the
classical assumption test. The hypothesis testing technique uses the t test, simple
regression analysis, multiple and path analysis. The results of the study explained
that the hedonism variable succeeded in mediating the effect of celebrity worship
on the intention to buy kpop albums among kpop fans.
Keywords: Celebrity Worship , Hedonism, purcharse intention, Kpop.