Pengaruh Penggunaan Shopee Paylater dan Gaya Hidup Shopaholic terhadap Pembelian Impulsif Produk Fashion di Marketplace Shopee
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Jessica, Louise
HF Commerce 
2023-03-21 01:51:43 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of using Shopee PayLater and the shopaholic lifestyle on impulsive purchases of fashion products on the Shopee marketplace. The population in this study are marketplace shopee users as well as shopee paylater users. The sample in this study were 113 respondents who had met the predetermined criteria using purposive sampling. Data analysis techniques used in this study were validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test, and the coefficient of determination (R2). The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence between the use of Shopee PayLater and the shopaholic lifestyle on impulsive purchases of fashion products on the Shopee marketplace. 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas