Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Sales Mobil di Kota Palembang Total View This Week0
Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Sihombing, Yesica Angelida
H Social Sciences (General)
2023-03-17 02:50:37
Abstract :
This study is aimed to find out and analyze whether there was an effect of job satisfaction towards the performance of car sales employees in Palembang city. The population in this study were sales employees at one of the automotive company in Palembang. Research type used here was empirical research method with 118 respondents which collected using accidental sampling method. The data obtained was then analyzed using linear regression analysis method. And from the results, it showed that the job satisfaction has a significant effect on the performance of car sales employees in the Palembang.