Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Simanjuntak, Rahel Ledy Costantina
HB Economic Theory
2023-03-29 06:22:12
Abstract :
This study aim to determine whether the work shift variable and work stress variable can affect the performance of minimarket employess in Kota Palembang . This research was conducted on minimarket employess in Kota Palembang with 100 respondets using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis techniques used in this research are data quality test,classical assumption test,multiple linear regression analysis test;coeffcient of determination test and hypothesis testing(t test). The variables in study used a likert scale and were processed using SPSS 26. The results of this study prove that work shift have a positive and significant effect on minimarket in Kota Palembang Regency and work stress has a positif and significant effecr on minimarket employe performance in Kota palembang.
Keywords : Work Shift,Work Stress,Employee Performance